Happy valentines day to all those ppl out there... may you be with the one u love, be it family members, friends or loved ones. I used to spend valentines day going out with my friends and we would give each other flowers on that day but i suppose that is all in the past. She has her own life and her own friends. Anyways whatever it is, life still goes on... so let me tell u about my week.
These 2 weeks starting from this week is spent in IMH. What should I say, its a mentally challenging place to be in. I like it yet I am not really used to it here. Time passes extremely slow here. I was thinking maybe could plan some activities but i am not really good at planning (only in playing... haha...). Here ppl are well and about, the problem is with their minds... so a big part plays in communication and interaction. Today there was a patient that asked me to be his girlfriend. Its pretty freaky to hear that from a mentally unsound cheeky looking ah pek (not exactly my taste). He said I am very charming and attractive. Its funny that i only seem attractive to mentally unsound ppl... haha... maybe i am one of them ba... haha!!! I think i will have to be cautious when talking to him, give some personal space and dun give him so much attention. I cannot tolerate this sort of behaviour...
And we have nice nurses to guide us who are willing to answer any questions we have in mind. My fellow school mates who are with me such as Chan, Lolitha, Mei Yan , Ling Yun etc. and the ITE students nurses are nice too. Its quite a nice feeling to have ppl to look to or rely on in times of need. Nobody likes to be alone and during this attachment we always have each other. It will be a different feeling during PRCP when they most likely put us alone to train us to be independent.
From this attachment I would really like to thank Chan for guiding me. This place is surely her forte. She is always there to remind me to do stuff and tell me to grab hold of my time to do my care plan. I think she is a damn responsible and hard working girl. Though sometimes I feel like slacking and lazing around but when i see her so harworking i feel guilty for doing so, so i will just follow along. Afterall, I am doing something good for myself... Haha!!! Thanks girl for making me always be on my feet and helping me along. Hope she will find her valentines soon...
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